
Galatians: Verse by Verse is unavailable, but you can change that!

In Galatians Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne takes us back to the first century, showing readers the high stakes that led Paul to write this letter. Osborne skillfully explains what it meant for its original audience and how it applies to us today. The clear message of this book is that Christ is not only Messiah; he brought about an entirely new era of salvation history. Under the new covenant...

some never recover. Conflict management is an absolutely essential topic of teaching in every congregation. A church dominated by love and mutual service will be a church in which the Spirit is central. In this section Paul demands the practical manifestation of the Spirit in daily conduct. He demonstrates this negatively, enumerating those fleshly works that are to be avoided (19–21), as well as positively, delineating those fruits of
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